Black Widow Rubber Bands are available in packs of 1000 and a size of 2.8cm. This is one of the most important items for a tattoo studio, they come with a multitude of uses including keeping the right tension on the tattoo machine. It is very important that you get the right tension on the needles bar as too much tension will cause the tube to wear out very quickly however, too little tension will make your work look weak which may make the lines appear weaker and fainter. It is likely you will need two rubber bands on the machine to get the optimum results, however if you are still producing weak lines then you may need to add another band to increase the tension. Every tattoo machine is different as is every tattooist, so you will need to find out what feels and works best for you. You must replace your tattoo machine rubber bands after every use to make sure they maintain the right amount of structural integrity and that cross contamination does not occur. They are also very useful for keeping your machine cover attached to the machine to avoid slippage.