The Liz Cook series consists of 12 attractive shades of various portrait colours, ranging from soft flesh tones to vivid shades of green, all of which can be used to produce beautiful and effective portrait tattoo designs. These are all provided in 1/2oz bottles to ensure that you have everything you need in an easy to transport set, which makes them an ideal option for travelling. Of course these colours are eternal inks which means that they are all produced using natural materials which means that it is not only a strong colour, long lasting ink but also a non-toxic, organic ink, which makes it a particularly desirable option.
The Liz Cook series is an attractive and reliable option for portrait colours available from Eternal Inks, there are 12 colours within the range all of which have been designed by the world famous portrait tattoo artist Liz Cook. These colours are designed to offer a fantastic range of skin tones, with the much softer and paler tones able to blend easily and effectively into the warmer, richer skin tones that can be found. Of course there are also a selection of much more bold colours, with vibrant pinks, strong blues and vivid greens providing some more intense depth to the collection. These are the colours that helped to make Liz Cook a famous portrait artist thanks to the much more attractive and bold features they allowed her to incorporate into her designs. The colours are all eternal inks, which of course means they are all designed to the high standard that you would expect of eternal inks. This means that they are produced using natural materials which ensure not only the bold quality of the colour but also ensure that they are a long lasting, non-toxic and organic colour, which offers a much more comfortable experience. The inks in this particular set are found in ½oz bottles, which makes it a great set for travelling with or working on a single portrait tattoo, if you don’t have regular requests for them.