Intenze teamed up with Alex De Pase, a world class tattoo artist and master of the colour portrait, to share his tattoo ink strategy and colour process with the world. After collaboration over the course of more than a year, Intenze created training materials and translated Alex's custom Intenze mixes into a new product line, his Advanced Fleshtone Series is available for public distribution and ready for artists everywhere to begin learning directly from the pro using the exact same formula he already uses on his own clients. Intenze is truly proud of this monumental collaboration, as an unprecedented achievement for tattooing. This is just one more way Intenze strives to deliver more than just an ink, but also skill, passion, and direction for artists everywhere.
In addition to the video training (see video), the set includes a mixing guide that shows how Alex achieves colour mixes in specific areas of some of his award winning tattoos, with graphics to accompany them for accurate visual guidance for your reference (guide can be downloaded).
Alex de Pase Advanced Fleshtone Series includes: Mattone, Ombra, Pelle, Tufo, Magenta, and Terra Di Sienna.