This is a sleek black option that is certain to provide a suitable and attractive addition to your tattoo machine, regardless of the type or colour of the machine you choose to work with, as well as giving you the suitable selection for mounting needles with the matching flat configuration. This is a fantastic selection of a tube, as it does provide you with the matching grip required to use the tube comfortable, and because the tube uses an open design at the tip it makes it much easier to monitor the condition of the needles, particularly with regards to how much ink they are holding at any given time.
There are no shortage of options available when it comes to finding the ideal selection of tube or grip for all of your tattoo needs. Of course this particular selection combines the tube and grip to provide a considerably more convenient selection, and additionally gives you a fantastic quality of product. This uses a sleek black tube, which offers an attractive and durable addition to any studio regardless of the type or colour of tattoo machine you may be using, and of course the grip is available in a selection of sizes to ensure that you have the best possible results when it comes to the comfort of working with these products. This is of course a product from Black Widow, a popular and effective selection when it comes to tattoo supplies such as these. Because these come from a known and reputable supplier you can be completely confident that the product your purchasing is capable of providing you with a durable and reliable selection, using high quality materials despite the disposable nature of the items, and combining the tube and grip to give you complete convenience. These are supplied individual, so you can be sure to purchase as many as you need for your own preferences or requirements, and of course the items are supplied in individual, sterile blister packs, so you can be completely confident that they’re safe for immediate use straight out of the box.